After a year of family and friends and basically EVERYONE around me getting married in various places across the globe, I'm officially back on the fast track to being available for longer theatrical projects again! I'm VERY excited to be back!
With that said, this is what I am currently up to:
* I just sang at the NYU Medical Center Graduation again this year with the lovely folks from Cobblestone Entertainment.
* I performed with and supported the chorus as part of the Ikeda Youth Ensemble at a meeting with 2,500 in attendance.
* I am slated to do a jazz project with Paul Knopf and Byron Singleton in December...Stay tuned for updates!
* I am taking a Musical Theatre Audition workshop with Tina Marie Casamento that concludes in late October with a panel of great industry folks! I'm finding and working on some wonderful new songs for my audition book!
* I am currently working on scenes from "Amadeus" and "Criminal Hearts" for Scene Study Class with Larry Singer.
* I will be singing with the Cobblestone Carolers again this holiday season...Keep checking this blog for updates!
* I am beginning to teach private voice lessons and take on my own students, while continuing to take voice lessons privately with Wendy Sharp.